Our Mission



Why we started Doxa

"The last time I was sexually harassed at a tech company, I felt I had two choices. Fix this single error at a single company or address the underlying root of problem at a higher level.

I chose the latter. After all, what use is putting one person in his place when his behavior reflects the state of the broader industry?

We need a paradigm shift in tech. I want to work at a tech company that fits me and respects my interests. I believe other women in tech do too.

So I launched Doxa. Our mission is to use data to make better hiring matches. We will help women find the healthy, equitable workplaces that fit them best."

-- Nathalie Miller, Founder

The big picture

This anecdote reflects the broader state of the entire industry:

Workplace inequity isn’t a “woman’s problem.” It’s a sector problem.

And with the strong, data-driven solutions Doxa can provide, we will solve this problem together.

The power of data

We believe in the power of data. It's one thing to hear what it's like working at a company anecdotally from a friend. It's entirely different and more meaningful to see what employee experience looks like at the aggregate level.

Doxa creates an accurate window into a company by quantifying hard data points (e.g. pay gaps, gender ratios, raises, etc.) and soft data points (e.g. how people feel about their colleagues, voices being heard, etc.). For the first time in history, we can show you how women and men are experiencing tech companies. Curiosity shall be satisfied. Companies shall be enlightened. And job seekers shall be informed.